Sometime this morning, I was having some dream involving visiting my folks back home, and in the dream I heard my mind speak the word "dread..!" and then the strong notion to wake up. When I did, I heard glass vibrating somewhere in the house. For some odd reason, I thought I was having a whole body muscle spasm, but it turned out it was just this. Weird.
Ugh. I really... REALLY hate jobhunting. Especially when I'm not mentally and physically prepared for it. Something about working for two-faced, money-grubbing Corporate America just makes me cringe. Even if I did feel like I could hold down a typical job, I don't have the confidence in myself or the ability to shlock my way through an interview.
So I get depressed. When I get depressed, I fight it off by doodling. For some reason, I have a penchant for drawing old people faces. I really don't know why.
And for the CTSG collab, yes, I'm still working on it. Don't worry though, I've got about half of my list done on that, and I plan on working on it some more tonight and tomorrow.
whoa that is some weird shit. Why old people faces, although it is good its kinda creepy looking at drawings of old people. Good luck at teh job hunting.